Thursday, May 5, 2011



I am shriniwas Indapurkat from Pune. My younger son is in 7th standard in Dyan Prabodhani School. Six months back in his class, your book bread winner was discussed by his his teacher. She also talked about other books Shoujia and Parvana. He brought Bread winner from library and read the book in one sitting. He was so thrilled, exited and lot of different feelings in his mind. Simply great! he was so exited and asked us to read the book so my wife and myseld also gone throgh the bread winner and we also felt and still feeling the hardship and sorrow of the Afghan people.

Then we were just behind other two books. He was repeatedly asked us to have other books. But in the begining we overlooked his demand. But in last week I myself and he had been to our routine library and I saw Shoujis laying infront of me. So I called him and showed him. He was so happy and stat dancing there only so I was so amazed and felt ashamed that I ignored hs feelings and kept him away from the heart catching book. In one day we all theree went through this book and discussed it.

I asked him why you liked this book? he promptly answered that the in bad sittuation of these girls still have positive attitude to look twards the future. How these girls helped their family members. Then we talked about Taliban, and many other issues of terrorism.

Really a very good series of book. I am feeling that very good translation. I also read your translated book of Shoba Day and Sudha Murty's book also.

Apanaji once again thanks for nice series of book from my family members

Shriniwas Indapurkar